
Welcome to this new adventure on your path to artistic development.

From as early as five years old I knew I wanted to draw and paint. I loved shapes and colors and I wanted to share my vision with the world around me. Unfortunately, the means to do this were not available to me. My parents did not share my desire and were not inclined to put me on the path to artistic fulfillment.

It wasn’t until much later in life did, I find the wherewithal to rekindle that early desire and move along the road to fulfill that dream.

This website is dedicated to all artists who share a
similar journey. I have always believed in the Buddhist proverb, which says, “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”.

Ten years ago, when I re-entered the path to artist development, I could not find a teacher who could present to me the true fundamentals needed to help me express my vision of the world around me. It is to that end I offer this site.

The goal of this website is to present ideas about seeing the world and how you can develop that ability in a way that will enable you to make satisfying representations in any medium you choose.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to send me a note and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Please sign in and join our community for regular updates and ideas about art related subjects.

All the best,

Dan Stenabaugh
